The document creation triggers an item-create event, which flows from the event monitor to the customer event handler through a JMS queue. 文档的创建触发了一个项目创建事件,它通过一个JMS队列从事件监听器流到定制的事件处理器。
Therefore, the library server inserts a row of event data into the event queue table. 因此,库服务器会插入一个事件数据到事件队列表中。
The event monitor converts the configuration information and the event data retrieved from the event queue table into a self-describing event message in a common base event ( CBE) format. 这个事件监视器能将配置信息和从事件队列表所查询的事件数据转换到一个自解释的通用基础事件(CBE)格式事件消息中。
The event_dispatch() then start the event queue system and starts listening ( and accepting) requests. 然后,eventdispatch()启动事件队列系统,开始监听(并接受)请求。
As the number of clients connect, new events to handle the client connection are added to the event queue and removed when the client disconnects. 当客户端连接时,在事件队列中添加新事件以处理客户端连接;当客户端中断连接时删除事件。
An event handler reads JMS messages, which carry the event data, from the JMS event queue. 事件处理器会从JMS队列读取包含事件数据的JMS消息。
Event processing retrieves the event messages from the JMS queue and processes the messages based on business logic. 事件处理从JMS队列查询事件消息,然后基于业务逻辑处理这些消息。
From there, you can set breakpoints, examine registers, look at the simulator event queue, and more. 从那里,您可以设置断点、检查寄存器、查看仿真器事件队列等。
The timer is not periodic; you set it when the timer event is triggered, and then the event is removed from the event queue. 计时器不是周期性的;当触发计时器事件时设置它,然后从事件队列中删除事件。
The event_set() function creates the new event structure, while event_add() adds the event to the event queue mechanism. eventset()函数创建新的事件结构,eventadd()在事件队列机制中添加事件。
A custom event handler, which is listening to the JMS queue, retrieves the document creation event and revision event from the queue. 有一个定制的事件处理器负责监听JMS队列,它可以从队列查询文档创建事件和修改事件。
This channel contains an event queue that acts as an intermediary between event producers and event handlers. 此通道包含事件队列,用作事件生产者和事件处理程序之间的中间层。
The Activation Queue is an event handling-type queue, which might collect events from multiple providers. ActivationQueue是一个事件处理类型的队列,它可以收集来自多个提供者的事件。
The role of the event queue is to store events received from producers and transmit these events to consumers when each consumer is available& typically, in the order the events are received. 事件队列的角色是存储从生产者接收的事件,并在每个消费者可用时将这些事件传输给消费者&通常是为了事件被接收。
EnqueueEvent() stores events ( such as message and process id for every fired event) to a queue. EnqueueEvent()将事件(例如每个发出的事件的消息和进程id)加入一个队列中。
An event monitor scans the event queue table for committed rows, and retrieves Add Item or Update Item events for a loan document. 事件监视器会扫描事件队列表查找提交的记录,然后查询贷款文档的AddItem或UpdateItem事件。
Most event-driven systems rely on prebuilt event queue technologies, such as a Message-Oriented Middleware ( MOM) framework. 多数事件驱动的系统依赖于预先构建的事件队列技术,如面向消息的中间件(Message-OrientedMiddleware,MOM)框架。
This process may be as sophisticated as an asynchronous event queue or as simple as a main loop repeatedly calling subsystem functions to invoke behavior, read state, or propagate state. 此过程可以非常复杂(如异步事件队列),也可以非常简单(如重复调用子系统功能来调用行为、读取状态或传播状态的主循环)。
The event monitor fetches event data from the event queue table based on the configuration data, converts the events into JMS messages, and puts the JMS messages on a JMS event queue. 事件监视器能根据配置数据从事件队列表取出事件数据,将事件转换成JMS消息,然后将JMS消息放回到一个JMS事件队列中。
The logged events are placed into an event queue table in the library server database. 所记录的事件会被记录到库服务器数据库的一个事件队列表中。
Common event server-side queue paused ( reason: The queue is full) 公用事件服务器方队列已暂停(原因:该队列已满)
Gets the next input event from the queue. 从队列中获得下一个输入事件。
In single-threaded dispatching model, an event is pumped from the queue and processed in the same thread immediately. 在单线程分发模型中,一个事件从队列中抽出并在同一个线程中被立即处理。
After the event being processed, next pending event in the queue is pumped again and continues the next round of cycle. 事件处理后,队紧跟着的下一个事件再被抽出并继续下一轮的循环。
Performing long-running tasks on the EDT will cause your application to become unresponsive because GUI events will accumulate in the event dispatch queue. 在EDT中执行长时间运行的任务会导致您的应用程序停止响应,因为GUI事件会在事件派发队列累积。
Common event server-side queue restarted; some events may have been missed 公用事件服务器方队列重新启动;一些事件可能已经丢失
The server of Nano-X can support more than one client application at the same time, but requires that each application only has one thread. Otherwise, accessing the critical resources including requesting buffer, network socket and event queue will result in collision. Nano-X的服务器可以支持多个客户进程同时运行,但是要求每个客户进程必须是单线程的,否则就会对请求包缓存区,网络套接字和事件队列等临界资源产生冲突的访问。
In Parallel Discrete Event Simulation software, the structural, functional, and behavioral design of both event object and event queue data structure need to be instrumented such that multiple event processing mechanisms, including conservative, optimistic, and hybrid, can be supported. 并行离散事件仿真软件系统中的事件对象及事件队列的结构、功能、及行为模型要能够支持并行环境中的包括保守、乐观及混合的各种事件处理模式。
Event and Event Queue Modeling in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation 并行离散事件仿真中的事件及事件队列建模
Event queue within the emulator is based on chronological order of the events. Emulator can record the event processing time, and can adjust the clock according to the processing reality. 仿真器内部的事件队列是按事件发生的先后顺序排列,可以记录事件处理的时间,并能根据处理情况调整时钟。